Hacking Riot

You are the Hack King. You want to succeed. When I say that, I mean it in all sincerity about you. If you didn’t want to succeed, you wouldn’t be looking at Riot. Ohhh! I said it.

As a co-worker once said to me, “You Ruby developers always come out with both fists punching.” I couldn’t agree more.

Want to know something I don’t like? Yes, you do. I don’t like being annoyed by my test framework when I go to extend it. Testing frameworks should not be closed systems; and while Ruby makes it easy to keep code open, code can still be closed from a conceptual standpoint.

What does that mean for you? It means Riot wants to be open. It wants you to make it better with your own little do-dads, knick-knacks, code cubbies, and under-the-hood rock’em robots. Riot wants you to do it just for you or if you feel so inclined, do it for everyone by contributing back. Before you can do that, however, there are probably a few things you should know about how Riot works.

Let’s Start at the Beginning

When you define a context in your test code, Riot will create a Riot::Context object (Context), tell it what you wanted the description to be, and push it onto the queue of contexts it knows about. This is boring so far, I know. When you define a sub-context (a context within a context), Riot does the same as before except that it tells this new context who its parent context is. The context tree is essentially flattened out in Riot’s “mind” at this point. Riot just has one big list. Though I did play around with a true tree structure, this way allows for some better abstractions of responsibility. As a context, this bit about knowing the parent means a sub-context can “inherit” setups, teardowns, hookups, and helpers; and the linked-list approach still maintains a tree structure since a child knows only of its immediate parent.

When a context is added to the list of runnable contexts, its innards are also evaluated in order to prepare/generate the actual setups, teardowns, hookups, helpers, and assertions. These are managed by the containing context only. When all of the contexts have been evaluated — which happens at run-time as the classpath is getting loaded in — Riot will run through the list of contexts in the order in which they were defined. When an assertion is executed, its result is immediately reported.

Something special about Riot and assertions is that Riot creates a unique Situation for each context. The job of the situation is to be an evaluation instance for that context; or a data “jail” for the life of the context. Things like topic or instance variables exist only while the situation lasts. Anything that happens within a helper, setup, assertion, etc. are all evaluated against the situation. This should mean that contexts don’t inadvertently use/collide-with each others’ data. The situation is then thrown away when the context is finished. Thusly, make sure to not assign a situation instance to a long-lasting variable and do not assign variables in situations to things outside of it; the GC monster will eat you when next you sleep.

Writing Your Own Assertion Macros

Remember that equals assertion macro from the Daily Use page? Well, it’s an Assertion Macro and is just like something you could write. I mean that for real; it’s not hard at all. For instance, here is the full assertion macro for equals:

module Riot
  class EqualsMacro < AssertionMacro
    register :equals

    def evaluate(actual, expected)
      if expected == actual
        pass new_message.is_equal_to(expected)
        fail expected_message(expected).not(actual)

    def devaluate(actual, expected)
      if expected != actual
        pass new_message.is_equal_to(expected).when_it_is(actual)
        fail new_message.did_not_expect(actual)
  end # EqualsMacro
end # Riot

Before we break that down, here’s a list of six keywords you should see in any macro you write: AssertionMacro, register, evaluate, devaluate, pass, fail. If you don’t see one or some of them, that better be because you are extending/mixing-in functionality that is using that keyword.

One, Riot::AssertionMacro is required because it has the awesome functionality you need for your macro to execute and report its findings.

Two, register is a class helper that actually tells Riot how to tie your usage of equals at the end of an assertion to some assertion checking logic (this macro). It’s not important whether or not you use a symbol or a string, but it should definitely be something that would match a valid method name. You should also know that if someone else defines a macro with the same name after yours has been registered, their’s will win; there can be only one.

Three, evaluate is what you will implement to satisfy the asserts assertions. In regards to equals, we only care about the actual value (what was returned by the assertion block the user wrote) and what is expected.

Four, devaluate is what you will implement to support the denies assertion. In this case, the assertion passes if the actual string DOES NOT match the expected one.

Finally, pass and fail are helper methods which simply return a tuple. To be truthful, you can return whatever you want so long as Riot can do something with it. The current format is [status, 'message'] where status is one of the following values :pass, :fail, and :error.

“But, what about that interesting looking message chain thing: expected_message(expected).not(actual)?”, you note.


Messages are a wondrous bundle of joy is all I can say. I got tired of writing strings with interpolated other strings and being all verbose; so I devised a way to let me mostly use english to construct sentences that also take variable values1. Let’s take a for instance; the message string you so wisely pointed out above would produce the following should the values of expected and actual be “goobers” and “nerds” respectively:

"expected 'goobers', not 'nerds'"

And that other string, new_message.is_equal_to(expected) would produce:

"is equal to 'goobers'"

new_message simply creates a new Message instance. Whereas expected_message starts a new Message instance, but prefaces it with “expected”; it’s the same as typing new_message.expected(expected). You may also say should_have_message(expected).not(actual) to produce:

"should have 'goobers', not 'nerds'"

You may only use these three helpers from within an assertion macro, but you can use Riot::Message anywhere you want. What you can expect from Message is:

What this means is that you can use Message to generate nice output from your macros, but again you do not have to. You could simply return any string you want.

Arguments passed to macros

It’s not going to be obvious how arguments passed to evaluate and devaluate are handled just by looking at the equals macro. In that specific macro you see actual as the first argument and expected as the second. By convention, the actual value returned from evaluating the assertion block (the block the user wrote) will always be the first argument to your macros evaluation method. Beyond that, you can expect as many arguments as your macro needs (explicitly or implicitly using splat).

Here, the equals macro is saying that it only wants one argument to use in comparison with the actual value. raises on the other hand, lets you pass up to two arguments with the second being the optional exception message that is expected.

context "Making problems"
  setup do
    Exception.new("Take this!")

  asserts("exception type alone") { raise topic }.raises(Exception)
  asserts("exception type and message") { raise topic }.raises(Exception, "Take this!")
end # Making problems

It’s also possible that an evaluation block be passed to your macro. For instance:

context "Making jelly" do
  setup { BlueBerry.new }

  asserts(:color).equals { "red" }
end # Making jelly

Both of the assertions will have the same result and you never need to care that the expected value was provided via evaluating a block. By convention Riot notices this, evaluates it, and passes the returned value from the block into the/your macro as the last argument … always. This means that if you were writing a macro named awesomeness and the following was its usage in practice:

context "Jambonee" do
  topic { Song.new("Jambonee") }
  asserts_topic.awesomeness(11) { Scale.new(11) }
end # Jambonee

Then your evaluate and devaluate methods need to accept two arguments in addition to the always present actual argument. Like so:

class AwesomenessMacro < Riot::AssertionMacro
  register :awesomeness
  def evaluate(actual, expected_awesomeness, scale)
    # ...

  def devaluate(actual, unexpected_awesomeness, scale)
    # ...
end # AwesomenessMacro

If you want scale to be optional, you can default it to whatever you want. This is Ruby!

Working with errors in your macros

Normally, you can ignore errors in your assertion macro because Riot specifically handles them when they are raised. However, if you’re intending to write an assertion macro that cares about errors you can do so easily as you are registering it. To declare that your macro expects exceptions, you simply call expects_exception!. For instance:

module Riot
  class RaisesMacro < AssertionMacro
    register :raises
    # ...
  end # RaisesMacro
end # Riot

That is the actual opening stanza to Riot’s own raises macro. What happens when you register your macro in this way is that Riot will pass the actual exception on to your macro if one is raised while evaluating the assertion block (your macro will be called by default if no exception is raised). The exception itself will be the the first argument passed to evaluate or devaluate or nil in the event nothing was raised.

Why would you write your own macro?

You’ll probably want to write your own macro if:

Riot implements but a handful of general checks most people expect and actually use. But, that’s not to say it’s complete. The joy of Riot is being concise and elegant and macros are how that happens.

Context Middleware

By now you’re probably asking yourself, “How could Riot get any better?” How about we get jiggy one level above assertions? I’m talking Context Middleware and this is where things might get a little abstract.

Perhaps all you’ve known of Riot is what you’ve read in this documentation (except this section). Perhaps you’re a whiz at Riot and you’re all up in it writing macros and what not. Now, perhaps you’ve gotten to the point where you’d like to do something extra fancy and write some helpful setup blocks that are only injected if the context’s description is a specific type of class (not just a string).

context Person do
end # Person

Perhaps now you’re bummed. But, don’t be! Context middleware can help. We can actually make that a valid Riot context and test by writing this small snippet of code:

class Modelware < Riot::ContextMiddleware
  def call(context)
    if context.description.kind_of?(Model)
      context.setup { context.description.new }
end # Modelware

“Get the %*@& out of here!”, you say.

I know! It’s pretty awesome and it’s pretty powerful. If you’re familiar at all with the nature of Rack middleware — how to implement it, how it’s executed, etc. — you’ll be familiar with Context middleware as the principles are similar:

  1. Define a class that extends Riot::ContextMiddleware
  2. Call register
  3. Implement a call method that accepts the Context that is about to be executed
  4. Do stuff, but make sure to pass the call along with middleware.call(context)

Steps 1, 2, and 3 should be pretty straight-forward. Currently, context is the only argument to call. When your middleware is initialized it is given the next registered middleware in the chain (which is where the middleware method gets its value from).

So, “Do stuff” from step 4 is the where we start breaking things down. What can you actually do? Well, you can do anything to the context that you could do if you were writing a Riot test; and I do mean anything.

The context in question will not run before all middleware have been applied to the context; this is different behavior than that of Rack middleware. Context middleware is only about preparing a context, not about executing it. Thus, where in your method you actually pass the call off to the next middleware in the chain has impact on how the context is set up. Basically, whatever you do before calling middleware.call(context) is done before any other middleware gets setup and before the innards of the context itself are applied. Whatever you do after that call is done after all that, but still before the actual setups, hookups, assertions, and teardowns are run.

In effect, the only2 way you could futz with the execution of the context would be to not call middleware.call(context).

What if I want my setup to be first?

If you know you’d like your setup to go first, regardless of where in the middleware call chain you are, you simply need to pass true as the first argument to it. For instance:

class Bloatware < Riot::ContextMiddleware

  def call(context)
    context.setup(true) do
      puts "Ha ha, I'm not doing anything important"
end # Bloatware

This will make Bloatware’s setup run before any other setup in the given context, but not before the setups from parent contexts. Additionally, if Bloatware was called from some other middleware that middleware could get its setup in before Bloatware’s. Generally, you should avoid needing to worry about order.

Contextual Options

While re-doing Riot Rails for about the 12th time I stumbled onto the idea of Context Middleware. That was great, but while working through some middleware I realized I wanted to be able to configure that middleware from within a running context. Specifically, I wanted to be able to be make a context transactional (similar to how you can with the Test::Unit implementation) by “flipping a switch”. By being transactional, any database changes would be rolled back when the context was finished.

A theoretical example of usage:

context Room do
  set :transactional, true
  hookup { topic.create! }
end # Room

So, set … that’s the new thing and it takes two arguments: a key and a value. Now, how is it used?

module RiotRails
  class TransactionalMiddleware < Riot::ContextMiddleware

    def call(context)
      make_transactional(context) if want_transactional?(context)
    def want_transactional?(context)
      context.option(:transactional) == true

    def make_transactional(context)
      # The guts and glory

  end # TransactionalMiddleware
end # RiotRails

I removed the distracting code so you can see that context.option(:transactional) is used in want_transactional?. You should also notice that we are inspecting the option after the middleware chain has been processed. This is important as you won’t see any options before you pass the call on.

set is just a basic DSL around a hash; very similar to set in Sinatra; in fact, that’s why it’s named that way here. If, for some reason, you need direct access to the hash options, you can say context.options. Finally, there is no limit3 placed on the number of options that can be set.

  1. The implementation of Message is actually really fast. It’s even benchmarked.

  2. Clearly it’s not the only way, but if you’re being a good samaritan it is.

  3. Yes, yes, yes. There is an actual limit, but not one that Riot worries about.

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